1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Baby Joe’ joe-pye weed

Eutrochium {Eupatorium} purpureum 'Baby Joe'

‘Baby Joe’ is a more compact cultivar that brings butterflies and other pollinators to the … Continued

‘Blackbird’ spurge

Euphorbia 'Blackbird'

Plants form compact, bushy mounds of exceptionally dark, velvety, evergreen, purple foliage that darkens in … Continued

‘Ascot Rainbow’ spurge

Euphorbia x martinii 'Ascot Rainbow'

The striking variegated foliage of ‘Ascot Rainbow’ is looks fantastic from spring through fall. Selected … Continued


Fragaria ananassa

Glossy red, long-necked fruit, ‘Ozark Beauty’, ‘Tri Star’, ‘Seascape’ and ‘Eversweet’ have a mild, sweet … Continued

wild strawberry

Fragaria virginiana

Ground-hugging foliage produces loose clusters of small, five-petaled flowers followed by tasty, wild strawberries. Found … Continued