cardinal flower
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal flowers bloom with tall spikes of lipstick red flowers in August in moist soil. … Continued
Lobelia cardinalis
Cardinal flowers bloom with tall spikes of lipstick red flowers in August in moist soil. … Continued
Lobelia siphilitica
Lobelia siphilitica is a showy native with light to dark blue flowers in late summer. … Continued
Lonicera sempervirens
A non-stop bloomer from late spring through the summer with showy clusters of orange-red flowers. … Continued
Magnolia virginiana
Sweet Bay comes from a cooler, northern range and blooms later avoiding late frost damage … Continued
Malus ioensis
This small native tree has spreading branches and a broad, open crown and sometimes grows … Continued
Matteuccia struthiopteris
A clump-forming, upright, arching deciduous fern that can grow up to 6′ tall in moist, … Continued
Mentha arvensis
Tiered clusters of small white flowers open along stems in summer and continue through fall, … Continued
Mertensia virginica
Clusters of trumpet-shaped blue flowers open in early spring. Flower buds are pink and emerge … Continued
Monarda punctata
Prefers sandy soils and full to part sun. It has an exotic flower form and … Continued
Monarda citriodora 'Lambada'
Horsemint foliage has a strong citrus scent when rubbed or crushed. It is very easy … Continued
Monarda fistulosa
Violet blossoms with aromatic foliage. A familiar sight on the prairie. Native to most of … Continued
Morus rubra
A medium sized, upright spreading to rounded, deciduous tree native to woodlands, bottomlands and woodland … Continued