‘Mahasobut’ hardy water lily
Nymphaea 'Mahasobut'
This award-winning water lily from Thailand is a medium to large plant that can grow … Continued
Nymphaea 'Mahasobut'
This award-winning water lily from Thailand is a medium to large plant that can grow … Continued
Nymphaea 'Wanvisa'
A fast grower and great bloomer, with variegated lily pads splashed in multiple shades of … Continued
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Clumps grow to 2-3′ tall, but can reach 6′ in height when planted in moist … Continued
Pontederia cordata
A vigorous marginal aquatic perennial native to stream and pond margins. In the wild plants … Continued
Pistia stratiotes
This free-floating aquatic plant is commonly used as an ornamental in water gardens. 4-6” rosettes … Continued
Ruellia simplex 'Purple Showers'
Mexican petunias are happiest when grown in medium to wet soils in full sun to … Continued
Rumex sanguineus
Distinct red veins color the foliage of this 15″ highly ornamental but also edible vegetable. … Continued
Sagittaria latifolia
Commonly called arrowhead, duck potato, or wapato, this vigorous marginal aquatic grows arrowhead-shaped leaves and … Continued
Sissyrinchium ‘Lucerne'
Star-like, 1″ violet-blue flowers have a yellow center over grassy foliage. Reblooms sporadically in late … Continued
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Tulbaghia violacea
Pretty purple flowers make a showy display in late spring, and plants can be grown … Continued
Dionaea muscipula
Gardeners in cold winter climates should grow Venus flytraps in a moist environment — an … Continued