Mexican bush sage
Salvia leucantha
Native to Central America and Mexico. Grown as an annual that grows 2-3’ tall in … Continued
Salvia leucantha
Native to Central America and Mexico. Grown as an annual that grows 2-3’ tall in … Continued
Scabiosa atropurpurea
Elegant cut flowers on strong, slender stems in a wide range of colors including black, … Continued
Scaevola aemula ‘Bombay Dark Blue’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Scaevola aemula ‘Scalora Glitzy’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Senna alata
A showy addition to any garden, large round leaves fold up at night. Large, upright, … Continued
Sutera cordata ‘Scopia Double Snowball’
Great used as a trailer in hanging baskets, window boxes and containers with an abundance … Continued
Tagetes erecta
Plants produce large double blooms that make excellent cut flower arrangements and look amazing in … Continued
Tagetes hybrids
‘Bonanza’ mix is a French marigold with a mix of yellow, gold-red, and bicolor large, 2-2.5″ … Continued
Tagetes lemmonii
Narrow, green, fine foliage has a strong citrus-like aroma. The sunny yellow blooms attract bees … Continued
Talinum paniculatum ‘Kingwood Gold’
Related to portulaca with fleshy green leaves and topped in tall spires of delicate, wiry flower … Continued
Tithonia rotundifolia
Native to Mexico and Central America, this vigorous annual typically grows 3-4’ tall. Showy flowers … Continued
Torenia fournieri
‘Clown’ and ‘Kauai’ mixes are showy little beauties that look great all season. Plants never … Continued