globe amaranth
Gomphrena globosa
‘Fireworks Purple’ grows up to 24″ high and sports lavendar puffy balls with little yellow whiskers. … Continued
Gomphrena globosa
‘Fireworks Purple’ grows up to 24″ high and sports lavendar puffy balls with little yellow whiskers. … Continued
Impatiens walleriana
Covered with blooms all summer, this easy-to-grow garden classic will make you smile. Plant them … Continued
Impatiens balsamina
Bushy plants bloom in shades of pink, white, red, and salmon throughout the summer and … Continued
Impatiens x hybrida
Variegated green and yellow foliage provides a striking backdrop for loads of showy flowers that … Continued
Impatiens walleriana 'Silhouette'
‘Silhouette’ double impatiens grow 12-16″ tall and wide. Each flower looks like a small rose. … Continued
Impatiens x 'Balfusimglo'
These heat-tolerant shade plants are vigorous and well-branched like their cousins, but feature uniquely shaped … Continued
Jamesbrittenia hybrid
This heat-tolerant South African native has been on the cusp of greatness for years but … Continued
Lantana camara
The quintessential southern plant, rewarding high temperatures with copious flowering. ‘Irene’ has unusual yellow, pink … Continued
Lantana camara
The most cold-hardy lantana, it is known to survive 0°F. Showy orange blooms give the … Continued
Lobelia erinus
Covered with layers of true blue, violet or white blooms all summer long. Great trailers … Continued
Lotus maculatus
Unusual bicolor blooms look like parrot’s beaks, yellow at the base darkening to orange and … Continued
Lysimachia congestiflora
Bold yellow and green variegated foliage is topped with bright yellow flowers. An underutilized annual!