shagbark hickory
Carya ovata
A long-lived shade tree with a straight trunk, excellent shade. This Midwest native is named … Continued
Carya ovata
A long-lived shade tree with a straight trunk, excellent shade. This Midwest native is named … Continued
Carya illinoinensis
This massive shade tree is the pecan producer of the industry. Lustrous, dark green foliage … Continued
Castanea mollisima
As the American chestnut succumbs to disease, the blight-resistant Chinese chestnut is gaining popularity. Trees … Continued
Celtis occidentalis
Tolerant of a variety of conditions. Well-suited to urban areas, it withstands wind and city … Continued
Cephalanthus occidentalis
This deciduous shrub has an open, rounded habit. Common throughout the midwest, it can most … Continued
Cercis canadensis
Delicate deep pink blossoms and buds are one of the earliest spring displays. Unique and … Continued
Chasmanthium latifolium
Attractive, nodding seed heads make excellent cut arrangement filler. This grass spreads aggressively so choose … Continued
Chionanthus virginicus
Chionanthus virginicus produces magnificent clusters of fringe-like blooms. Slow growing to 20-25’ high and 25’ … Continued
Clematis virginiana
White flowers abundantly spread along the length of the vine in panicles or small clusters … Continued
Clethra alnifolia
A deciduous shrub native to swampy woodlands, wet marshes, and stream banks. Noted for mid … Continued
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice'
A selection of Clethra alnifolia, a deciduous shrub native to swampy woodlands, wet marshes, and … Continued
Clethra alnifolia 'Crystalina'
Selection of the native, Clethra alnifolia. Excellent for woodland gardens and wildlife gardens, the small … Continued