tropical pitcher plant
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Nepenthes alata
One of the hardiest, most forgiving species and a great beginner carnivorous plant! The pitchers … Continued
Verbena hybrids
Clusters of lavender and white bi-color blooms surround a center of dark purple and lavender … Continued
Verbena hybrids
Clusters of deep red flowers make a bold statement and work well in containers and … Continued
Verbena hybrids
Large clusters of vivid red flowers accented with a peachy-white center star. Voodoo Star has … Continued
Veronica prostrata ‘Sunshine’
Veronicas produce some of the clearest true blues available in perennials. This easy-to-grow prostrate cultivar … Continued
Vinca minor/Vinca major
One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued
Vitis coignetiae
This fast-growing ornamental grape vine has vibrant flaming red fall color! Can be pruned hard … Continued
Vitis riparia
These fast-growing, long-lived native vines thrive along riverbanks, roadsides, forest edges, and fence lines. Green … Continued