silver Swedish ivy
Plectranthus argentatus 'Silver Shield'
An upright-spreading, woody-based sub-shrub native to Australia and grown primarily for its attractive, fuzzy, gray-green … Continued
Plectranthus argentatus 'Silver Shield'
An upright-spreading, woody-based sub-shrub native to Australia and grown primarily for its attractive, fuzzy, gray-green … Continued
Plumbago auriculata
Native to South Africa where it is an evergreen shrub that grows 6-7’ tall and … Continued
Portulaca grandiflora
Large blooms cover these low-growing drought tolerant succulents through the summer. Needs almost no care … Continued
Portulacaria afra f. variegata
Elephant bush plant may get 6- to 20-feet tall in habitat where it is a … Continued
Cissus discolor
Although the leaves resemble a Rex begonia, this plant is actually a member of the … Continued
Rhipsalis cereuscula
Native to South America, this plant is lives in the understory of the forest where … Continued
Scaevola aemula ‘Bombay Dark Blue’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Scaevola aemula ‘Scalora Glitzy’
Fan-shaped flowers that give the genus its common name produce vivid purple-blue petals all summer … Continued
Sedum reflexum 'Angelina'
Thin, evergreen, spiny golden-yellow foliage radiates around central stem and is tinged russet orange at … Continued
Sedum 'Firecracker' SunSparkler®
Brilliant burgundy-red sedum foliage all season long adds more color with soft pink flowers in … Continued
Sedum ternatum
This small, spreading native perennial typically occurs in damp locations along stream banks, bluff bases … Continued
Sedum japonicum 'Tokyo Sun'
Tiny bright yellow gold succulent foliage. Most yellow in full sun, more lime green in … Continued