1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

toothache plant

Spilanthes oleracea

A medicinal herb that’s been used for generations to manage the pain of toothaches, foliage … Continued

inch plant

Tradescantia zebrina

A very popular trailing plant for indoor containers typically grows to 6” tall, but creeps … Continued

variegated toad lily

Tricyrtis hirta 'Variegata'

Easily to grow perennials from the lily family that clump by means of thick branched … Continued

trillium, triflower

Trillium grandiflorum

Trillium grandiflorum sports exquisite white blooms up to 5” across in mid-spring that fade to … Continued

society garlic

Tulbaghia violacea

Pretty purple flowers make a showy display in late spring, and plants can be grown … Continued

leatherleaf viburnum

Viburnum rhytidophylloides 'Allegheny'

This great shurb adds incredible textured contrast with leathery, dark green foliage that makes a … Continued