royal fern
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Clumps grow to 2-3′ tall, but can reach 6′ in height when planted in moist … Continued
Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis
Clumps grow to 2-3′ tall, but can reach 6′ in height when planted in moist … Continued
Pachysandra terminalis
Best grown in organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade, … Continued
Cornus alternifolia
An excellent native plant with four-season interest, these beautiful trees have unique horizontal branching and … Continued
Panicum virgatum 'Cloud Nine'
This clump-forming, warm-season grass typically grows to 3′ tall. When in flower, flower panicles may … Continued
Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’
Best burgundy-red coloring of all the switch grasses. Deep-green foliage takes on red hues by … Continued
Papaver orientale ‘Prince of Orange’
Huge tangerine-colored blossoms open on wiry stems from late spring thru early summer. Petals have … Continued
Pennisetum alopecuriodes 'Red Head'
One of the earliest-flowering fountain grasses, ‘Red Head’ produces showy bottlebrush plumes that emerge burgundy … Continued
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Ginger Love'
Big, showy, upright, red plumes appear in late summer and persist through winter on this … Continued
Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln'
Dwarf fountain grass is cold hardy, heat and drought tolerant. Grows 2-3′ tall, and is … Continued
Pennisetum rubrum
A drought tolerant clumps of maroon grass topped with rose-red flower spikes. Beautiful as landscape … Continued
Pennisetum purpureum 'Vertigo'
Thicker foliage and darker, almost black purple color make this fountain grass dramatic in garden … Continued
Mentha pulegium
Pennyroyal is an excellent living mulch and insect repellent. Rubbing leaves on on skin can … Continued