Equisetum hyemale
Hollow, segmented, tubular stems grow to 4′ tall and grow in dry soils to wet, … Continued
Equisetum hyemale
Hollow, segmented, tubular stems grow to 4′ tall and grow in dry soils to wet, … Continued
Eragrostis spectabilis
Masses of reddish-purple panicle blooms are beautiful in large sweeps.
Eryngium planum
An outstanding hardy unusual ornamental that thrives in hot dry locations and blooms in summer … Continued
Eryngium yuccifolium
Beautiful native growing to 4′ tall with glaucus, yucca-like foliage topped with clusters of white, … Continued
[Coryphantha] Escobaria vivipara
2″ bright magenta open in May-June, followed by fleshy, greenish-purple fruits. As the evergreen, ball-shaped … Continued
Eupatorium maculatum
An excellent back of the border native plant growing 6′ tall or more with deep … Continued
Eutrochium {Eupatorium} purpureum 'Baby Joe'
‘Baby Joe’ is a more compact cultivar that brings butterflies and other pollinators to the … Continued
Eutrochium {Eupatorium} purpureum 'Euphoria Ruby'
This compact native selection flowers earlier in summer than other dwarf selections, and continues well … Continued
Euphorbia trigona
These easy to care for succulents require little. Just avoid overwatering and provide lots of … Continued
Euphorbia 'Blackbird'
Plants form compact, bushy mounds of exceptionally dark, velvety, evergreen, purple foliage that darkens in … Continued
Euphorbia hybrid
Delicate little blooms of white in a thick cloud cover this dense, compact filler all … Continued
Euphorbia mammillaris var. variegata
A cactus-like plant studded with spikes and lined with raised tubercles that shrink in the … Continued