1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Datura inoxia, Datura metel

Showy large white blooms open over rich dark foliage and deep red stems punctuated with … Continued

Illinois bundleflower

Desmanthus illinoensis

White flowers in summer open over delicate fern-like foliage. Supports bees and various game birds … Continued

slender deutzia

Deutzia gracilis

A dense, rounded, deciduous shrub with slender,  broadly spreading, arching stems and growing about 2′ tall … Continued

strawberry foxglove

Digitalis × mertonensis

Easily grown in average, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade with consistent moisture. … Continued

shooting star

Dodecatheon meadia

Nodding blooms point upward and away from the pointed red and yellow flower center, resembling … Continued

hyacinth bean vine

Dolichos lablab

With striking foliage, flowers, and seed pods, this vigorous grower covers fence and arbor quickly … Continued

downy phlox

Phlox pilosa

These long-blooming perennials thrive in rocky or dry open woods, meadows, and prairies. An upright … Continued

‘Brilliance’ autumn fern

Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance'

Chartreuse-green foliage is blushed with coppery-orange and grows 12-18″ tall. The reddish stems add even … Continued