rocky mountain bee plant
Cleome serrulata
This colorful long-blooming native annual has large showy flowers in shades of pink and rose … Continued
Plants in this group can be found within the borders of Kansas. Please note that plants from different ecoregions of the state can have very different cultural needs. For example, some native Kansas plants indigenous to western Kansas can’t handle eastern Kansas soil and rainfall.
For this reason, it’s best to select plants from the Osage Cuestas of the Central Irregular Plains Ecoregion to find those best suited to our growing conditions.
You can find Douglas County, Kansas native plants linked here.
We grow and sell plants that thrive in our local conditions, so all native Kansas plants listed in this group will perform well in Douglas County and the surrounding area.
Cleome serrulata
This colorful long-blooming native annual has large showy flowers in shades of pink and rose … Continued
Conoclinium coelestinum
Intense blue flowers in summer are surrounded by glossy green foliage which turns vibrant scarlet … Continued
Coreopsis tripteris
This coreopsis stands tall at 7′ to 9′! Golden-yellow flowers are arranged in a flat-topped … Continued
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lanceleaf tickseed sports bright yellow, daisy-like flowers in summer over glossy green foliage. Plants self-seed … Continued
Coreopsis tinctoria
Yellow with rust color around the center of these blooms with a shape similar to … Continued
Cornus florida
Grown as a single- or multi-trunked tree with a spreading crown and long-lasting, showy, white … Continued
Corylus americana
The American hazelnut or filbert is native to the eastern United States. Tasty nuts are … Continued
Cynanchum laeve
This twining vine has heart-shaped leaves and white flower clusters following in late summer and … Continued
Dalea purpurea
Cylindrical heads of unusual bright purple flowers. Plants require well-drained site. This prairie legume fixes … Continued
Dalea candida
White flowering spikes bloom over airy, delicate foliage. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun. White … Continued
Desmanthus illinoensis
White flowers in summer open over delicate fern-like foliage. Supports bees and various game birds … Continued
Dioscorea villosa
This perennial, climbing vine can be grown on a a trellis or fence and reaches … Continued