1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

black walnut

Juglans nigra

When grown in the open, the black walnut reaches 75′ tall with a round, low … Continued


Lagerstroemia indica

With striking late season blooms and gorgeous bark, crapemyrtle can be grown as a shrub … Continued

Perennial Sweet Pea

Lathyrus latifolius

A fast-growing, heirloom perennial vine with fuschia, rose, lavender, and white flowers all the summer. … Continued

meadow blazingstar

Liatris ligulistylis

A fantastic nectar plant for Monarch butterflies and many other pollinators including hummingbirds. The fall … Continued

prairie blazing star

Liatris pycnostachya

An outstanding native of the great plains grows even in wet prairies. Breathtaking in gardens … Continued

blue flax

Linum perenne

True blue flowers in summer over fine foliage that appears delicate but is extremely tough, … Continued

cardinal flower

Lobelia cardinalis

Cardinal flowers bloom with tall spikes of lipstick red flowers in August in moist soil. … Continued

sweet alyssum

Lobularia maritima

Tiny fragrant white, pink, and lavender flowers open in clusters on this low-growing annual that … Continued

coral honeysuckle

Lonicera sempervirens

A non-stop bloomer from late spring through the summer with showy clusters of orange-red flowers. … Continued

Maltese cross

Lychnis chalcedonica

An heirloom flower grown in gardens since colonial times. Dense heads of bright scarlet flowers. … Continued