obedient plant
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has an upright spreading habit, this plant will requires space and should be … Continued
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has an upright spreading habit, this plant will requires space and should be … Continued
Podophyllum peltatum
Sometimes called umbrella plant because of its large round leaves, this native creeps by rhizomes … Continued
Portulaca grandiflora
A classic maintenance free annual with fancy rose-like blooms all summer. Often self-seeding in garden … Continued
Prunus serotina
This native ranges from southeastern Canada through the eastern US, and west to Texas. White … Continued
Ratibida pinnata
Native plant that thrives in dry woods, prairies and along railroad tracks and roads. Composite … Continued
Ratibida columnifera
Round, dense, fine foliage is covered with 1″ blooms of yellow, red and bicolor flowers … Continued
Rheum x hybridum
Produces multitudes of red-blushed green stalks and is the best cooking rhubarb. Sweeter and milder … Continued
Rhus typhina
Grows in any well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of urban conditions. … Continued
Ribes uva-crispa/hirtellum
Gooseberry cultivars can be American or European. Fruit from the American cultivars are smaller but … Continued
Rosa carolina
Two to three-inch wide bright pink flowers with yellow centers open in early summer on … Continued
Rudbeckia hirta
Huge 3-4″ deep yellow blooms with dark brown eye cover this black-eyed Susan from late … Continued
Rudbeckia fulgida
This adaptable native occurs in both dry and moist soils in open woods, glades and … Continued