Allium schoenoprasum
Mild onion flavor. Can be used fresh in salads, or can be frozen or dried … Continued
Allium schoenoprasum
Mild onion flavor. Can be used fresh in salads, or can be frozen or dried … Continued
Buchloe dactyloides
This drought-tolerant grass requires few mowings each summer to keep neat and trim. Can go … Continued
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lanceleaf tickseed sports bright yellow, daisy-like flowers in summer over glossy green foliage. Plants self-seed … Continued
Euphorbia cyparissias
Narrow blue-green foliage resembles spruce or cypress and spreads by rhizome to form a low, … Continued
Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink'
Low growing, silvery-blue mat of foliage spreadst and cascades, creating an evergreen groundcover that produces … Continued
[Coryphantha] Escobaria vivipara
2″ bright magenta open in May-June, followed by fleshy, greenish-purple fruits. As the evergreen, ball-shaped … Continued
Hieracium maculatum ‘Leopard’
Striking mounds of blue-green foliage dappled in maroon purple. Tall stems of bright yellow daisies … Continued
Salvia lyrata ‘Purple Knockout’
A gorgeous selection of a native grown for the striking dark purple foliage which forms … Continued
Oenothera macrocarpa
Large, deep yellow flowers cover this sprawling native over glossy green leaves from late spring … Continued
Opuntia macrorhiza
Low mats of spiny pads which can colonize large beds over time. Showy flowers are … Continued
Phemeranthus {Talinum} calycinus
This native perennial most often occurs in rocky soils and is often found growing in … Continued
Ruellia humilis
Tubular, bell-shaped, petunia-like flowers up to 3″ long open from May to October on drought-loving … Continued