Euphorbia marginata
Medium green spring foliage gradually develops showy clean white margins at the tips giving a … Continued
Euphorbia marginata
Medium green spring foliage gradually develops showy clean white margins at the tips giving a … Continued
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta'
A striking 6’ tall beauty with bright, full clusters of pink flowers. Its stems seem … Continued
Forsythia x intermedia
This hardy, deciduous, shrub has an irregular upright, arching habit. Forsythias need room to grow … Continued
Echinacea Fresco™ ‘Apricot’
Huge, zinnia-like blooms grow on long-lived perennials. Slightly double with a lovely apricot shade. Plant … Continued
Gaillardia aristata
Gaillardia aristata ‘Arizona Apricot’ grows 8 to 10″ tall, 10 to 12″ wide with continuous color … Continued
Gazania rigens
Short, sturdy stems sport large daisy-like flowers. Excellent for bouquets. A rainbow of colors including … Continued
Vernonia gigantea
One of the tallest of the ironweeds, growing to as much as 10’ tall in … Continued
Athyrium niponicum var. pictum 'Godzilla'
This is Japanese painted fern on steroids! Discovered in the 90s, this giant painted fern … Continued
Gomphocarpus physocarpa
Native to southeast Africa, this upright shrubby is grown as an annual in Kansas and … Continued
Hamamelis virginiana
Late winter-blooming, deciduous shrub or small tree native to woodlands, forest margins and stream banks … Continued
Helianthus salicifolius 'Autumn Gold'
Narrow, dark-green leaves and compact, rounded form give this perennial a shrub-like appearance during Spring … Continued
Helianthus maximiliani
State flower of Kansas Clusters of bright yellow flowers in September atop 6-8′ stalks. An … Continued