chocolate flower, chocolate daisy
Berlandiera lyrata
Mounded, gray-green velvety foliage has a chocolate aroma topped by flower heads with yellow rays … Continued
Berlandiera lyrata
Mounded, gray-green velvety foliage has a chocolate aroma topped by flower heads with yellow rays … Continued
Syringa hybrid
The original reblooming lilac! ‘Bloomerang’ blooms in spring along with other lilacs, takes a brief … Continued
Brachyscome Blue Zephyr™
Lacy foliage and small, blue daisy-like blooms make great contrasting filler in annual combos. Blooms … Continued
Buddleia x weyeriana 'Golden Glow'
Golden Glow butterfly bushes produce ball-like clusters of orangey-yellow flowers that are intensely fragrant. Dense … Continued
Buddleja davidii 'Evil Ways'
Bright yellow leaves are covered with terminal clusters of very dark purple fragrant flowers throughout … Continued
Calocedrus decurrens
Lustrous foliage of this tree is densely massed and vivid green, flowing right to the … Continued
Calycanthus floridus
A dense, rounded deciduous native with a suckering habit with very fragrant, brown to reddish-brown … Continued
Caryopteris incana
This fragrant late summer bloomer sends up aromatic, whorled, blue-flowering spikes over striking bright chartruese … Continued
Cassia didymobotrya
Run your hands through the foliage of this plant and release the smell of fresh … Continued
Ceanothus americanus
2025 Kansas Native Plant Society Native Plant of the Year! Named because dried leaves were … Continued
Chamaemelum nobile
Makes a fine, ferny and fragrant low groundcover tolerant of dry conditions. Tea made from … Continued
Chionanthus virginicus
Chionanthus virginicus produces magnificent clusters of fringe-like blooms. Slow growing to 20-25’ high and 25’ … Continued