1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Purple Dome’ aster

Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'

A compact selection recommended by the Mt. Cuba Center as a cultivar that draws loads … Continued

American elm

Ulmus americana

‘Valley Forge’ is a Dutch elm disease tolerant selection introduced after 20 years of research. … Continued

large-flowered bellwort

Uvularia grandiflora

This native clump-forming plant grows to 2′ tall and features 1.5″ long, pendulous, bell-shaped, yellow … Continued

American vervain

Verbena hastata

Easily grown in average, medium to wet soils in full sun. Forms colonies in the … Continued

prairie ironweed

Vernonia fasciculata

2-4′ tall fall native is topped with broad, compound blooms made up of many heads … Continued

Culver’s root

Veronicastrum virginicum

Pink or white flower spikes bloom atop 3-5′ tall plants in summer. Heat, drought and … Continued

white-tinged sedge

Carex albicans

Sometimes called oak sedge, this clumping sedge grows to 15-20″ tall. It is native to … Continued