false indigo bush
Amorpha fruticosa
A large, airy shrub that forms dense thickets in its native habitat. Six-inch purple flower … Continued
The following plants are indigenous to Douglas County, KS according to BONAP and USDA Plants Database maps.
Douglas County, Kansas residents planting these plants are helping restore native species to their home on the range!
Amorpha fruticosa
A large, airy shrub that forms dense thickets in its native habitat. Six-inch purple flower … Continued
Amorpha canescens
This native shrub grows in woodlands and prairies. 4-8″ spike-like clusters of tiny, bluish-purple flowers … Continued
Andropogon gerardii
This colorful, robust hardy grass is NATIVE FROM CANADA TO MEXICO. Tall foliage turns light … Continued
Aquilegia canadensis
Nodding yellow and red bi-color blooms in April through early June. Grows 12-24″ in height, … Continued
Arisaema triphyllum
This tuberous perennial produces one or two leaves, each divided into three narrow leaflets. In … Continued
Asclepias syriaca
Common milkweed produces dusty pink flower clusters in mid-summer atop large, glossy leaves that resemble … Continued
Asclepias incarnata
Swamp milkweed sports lightly fragrant flower clusters from early summer through fall. Plants grow 3-5′ … Continued
Asclepias hirtella
Plants grow up to 4′ and produce white flowers. This species prefers medium-wet to dry … Continued
Asclepias tuberosa
Perennial Plant Association 2017 Perennial Plant of the Year! Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly weed) features showy … Continued
Asclepias tuberosa 'Hello Yellow'
A long-lived, low-maintenance perennial, this yellow flowering selection of our native A. tuberosa was discovered … Continued
Asclepias verticillata
Whorled milkweed blooms later than other milkweeds with white flowers July thru September. The caterpillars … Continued
Boltonia asteroides
Small daisy-like flowers open in loose panicles profusely from late summer to early fall. Flowers … Continued