1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

cardinal climber

Ipomoea x multifida

Large, glossy green leaves with fingers have a fantastic tropical palm-like look. Vigorous growing vines … Continued

cardinal flower

Lobelia cardinalis

Cardinal flowers bloom with tall spikes of lipstick red flowers in August in moist soil. … Continued

coral honeysuckle

Lonicera sempervirens

A non-stop bloomer from late spring through the summer with showy clusters of orange-red flowers. … Continued

Maltese cross

Lychnis chalcedonica

An heirloom flower grown in gardens since colonial times. Dense heads of bright scarlet flowers. … Continued

Prairie crabapple

Malus ioensis

This small native tree has spreading branches and a broad, open crown and sometimes grows … Continued