1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

eastern red cedar

Juniperus virginiana

‘Hetzii’ is an eastern red cedar growing 12-15′ high and 10-15′ wide with bluish-green to gray-green foliage that retains good color in winter. Round, blue-purple, berry-like cones add an ornamental bonus.

‘Canert’s’ is a pyramidal tree growing 20 to 35′ high and 15 to 20′ wide with dark green foliage, an open crown, and attractive bluish-white clusters of fruit. Reddish-brown bark exfoliats into long strips. Great as a specimen, in groups, or for informal screening.

These cold-hardy, adaptable evergreen trees serve many purposes in the landscape, especially in sites that are dry, alkaline or windy. The foliage of scale-like needles is attractive but prickly. In late summer and fall, many junipers have blue-green berry-like fruits, actually modified cones, that attract birds. Because they are quite salt-tolerant, they can be used near roads, driveways, and sidewalks. Eastern red cedar is usually a tree, but there are shrub-sized cultivars available. —Morton Arboretum

Eastern red-cedar is native to North America. These tough plants have a dense branching that resists grazing by deer.