red horse chestnut
Aesculus x carnea
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ (red horse chestnut) is a 30–40’ tall tree with dusty red … Continued
Aesculus x carnea
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ (red horse chestnut) is a 30–40’ tall tree with dusty red … Continued
Aesculus glabra
Growing in open spaces, these trees may reach 60’ tall by 30’ wide, but as … Continued
Aesculus parviflora
Aesculus parviflora is easily grown in average soil in part to full shade and features … Continued
Agave ferdinand-regis x Agave scabra
This gorgeous agave grows to 3′ tall and wide with thick, blue-gray leaves with smooth … Continued
Ageratum houstonianum
‘Timeless’ mix has fuzzy flower clusters in shades of blue, red, pink and white all … Continued
Ajuga 'Black Scallop'
Glossy, near-black, scalloped foliage is darkest when planted in full sun. Spikes of deep blue … Continued
Akebia quinata
Oval, glossy dark green leaves grow in clusters of five. Vines produce dangling purple flowers … Continued
Allium tuberosum
White flowers self-seed and make an easy low maintenance filler winding through perennial borders. Dried … Continued
Allium ‘Globemaster’
The biggest and best Allium! Silvery purple florets form huge, 8–10″ flower globes of purple … Continued
Aloe vera
Split open a leaf and apply the clear gel directly to minor burns, wounds, dry … Continued
Alternanthera dentata 'Little Ruby'
Dark black-purple foliage adds foliage contrast and fine texture. Plants won’t crowd out others in … Continued
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Red Threads'
A slender-leaved annual selection that doesn’t wander, forming a textured carpet in shades of deep … Continued