1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Nepeta cataria

A vigorous-growing mint with a wacky effect on cats. Dry some catnip for homemade cat … Continued

old-fashioned flowering tobacco

Nicotiana sylvestris

Tall, old-fasioned nicotiana features 3-4′ tall stalks topped with many trumpet-shaped, fragrant white blooms throughout summer. … Continued


Nigella damascena

Beautiful blooms of blue, mauve, pink, purple, and white blooms open over lacy greenery. Unusual … Continued

‘Little Devil ‘ninebark

Physocarpus opulifolius 'Donna May' PP22,634

With an upright spreading habit and fine-textured, dark foliage, this low-maintenance shrub requires little to … Continued