1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

prairie dropseed grass

Sporobolus heterolepis

2′ narrow-leaved, fragrant native grass. Incredibly attractive in bloom and seed.

‘Cotton Candy’ betony

Stachys officinalis ‘Cotton Candy’

Selected for continuous bloom, deep green foliage, and compact habit, ‘Pink Cotton Candy’ sports two-toned … Continued

‘Hummelo’ betony

Stachys monnieri 'Hummelo'

Perennial Plant Association 2019 Perennial Plant of the Year! Compact clumps of distinctive, heavily textured, … Continued

lamb’s ear

Stachys byzantina

Soft, thick, woolly silver foliage stays low to the ground. 12-15″ flower stalks emerge in … Continued

orangebark stewartia

Stewartia monodelpha

A rare and lovely small tree grown for its rich smooth cinnamon-colored bark, incredible maroon-red … Continued


Stevia rebaudiana

Commonly called sweetleaf, this herbal alternative to sugar is up to 300 times sweeter. Use … Continued


Symphoricarpos alba

This rounded deciduous shrub grows to 3-6′ tall and wide. Native to dry rocky wooded … Continued

magic berry snowberry

Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii 'Magic Berry'

Light pink blooms in summer followed by large, pink fruit on arching stems with dark … Continued

White Heath Aster

Symphyotrichum ericoides

Wiry, branching stems are covered in small glossy green, needle-like leaves and a snowstorm of … Continued