1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

‘Lady in Red’ fern

Athyrium felix-forma 'Lady in Red'

Vibrant burgundy stems coupled with dark green fronds complement everything else in the shade garden. … Continued

Philodendron ‘Birkin’

Philodendron hybrid

New foliage on this philodendron emerges lime-green with thin, light-yellowish stripes. As the plant matures, … Continued

Philodendron ‘Shangri La’

Philodendron bipinnatifidum

‘Shangri-la’ is a compact split-leaf philodendron with lime-green veining. A dense, bushy tropical that develops … Continued

wild quinine

Parthenium integrifolium

This heat-loving native blooms June through September and prefers a sunny location. White flower clusters … Continued

anise hyssop

Agastache foeniculum

Grows happily in average soil in full sun to light shade and attracts all sorts … Continued