‘Blackthorn’ bottlebrush
Sanguisorba 'Blackthorn'
Feathery, purple-red, catkin-like blooms open on wiry stems that arch above the lacy, green foliage. … Continued
Sanguisorba 'Blackthorn'
Feathery, purple-red, catkin-like blooms open on wiry stems that arch above the lacy, green foliage. … Continued
Rodgersia pinnata ‘Superba’
New foliage emerges in spring with a beautiful bronze color that matures to a dark … Continued
Nicotiana sylvestris
Tall, old-fasioned nicotiana features 3-4′ tall stalks topped with many trumpet-shaped, fragrant white blooms throughout summer. … Continued
Daucus carota 'Dara'
Closely related to the biennial Queen Anne’s Lace, this showy relative does not take over … Continued
Amaranthus tricolor
Colorful, ornamental leaves are also edible, and may be eaten as a salad vegetable. In Africa, … Continued
Cleome serrulata
This colorful long-blooming native annual has large showy flowers in shades of pink and rose … Continued
Ruellia simplex 'Purple Showers'
Mexican petunias are happiest when grown in medium to wet soils in full sun to … Continued
Tagetes lemmonii
Narrow, green, fine foliage has a strong citrus-like aroma. The sunny yellow blooms attract bees … Continued
Delphinium (Magic Fountains) 'Dark Blue/Dark Bee'
Long-blooming, dwarf-sized variety that produces bold, electric-bluish-purple, ruffled flowers with dark blue centers, or bees. … Continued
Achillea 'Sassy Summer Taffy'
These yarrows grow tall with a substantial presence. Sturdy flower stems look great throughout the … Continued
Syringa hybrid
The smallest lilac, this Proven Winners plant packs a lot of flower power. Glossy, dark … Continued
Rudbeckia hirta 'Prairie Sun'
An All-American Selections Award Winner 2003 Huge daisy-like blooms have peachy orange petals that wash … Continued