1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Rodgersia ‘Superba’

Rodgersia pinnata ‘Superba’

New foliage emerges in spring with a beautiful bronze color that matures to a dark green in summer. Huge, palm-like, divided leaves are heavily textured and provide excellent contrast with surrounding plants. This clump-forming perennial produces red stems with panicles of bright pink flowers similar to large astilbe in early to mid-summer. Airy flower heads remain standing as an interesting architectural statement long after the flowers fade. An excellent addition to the shade garden!

According to the Chicago Botanic Garden, “Give them time to get established, dappled sun, and consistent moisture, and they’ll thrive. Slugs, rabbits and deer don’t bother them.”

Native to China, plants grow by streams and in shady moist woodland settings. In cultivation, they will thrive in soil that never dries out but is not waterlogged. These shade lovers will grow in sun given enough moisture.