American elm
Ulmus americana
‘Valley Forge’ is a Dutch elm disease tolerant selection introduced after 20 years of research. … Continued
Ulmus americana
‘Valley Forge’ is a Dutch elm disease tolerant selection introduced after 20 years of research. … Continued
Tilia cordata
‘Greenspire’ A transplant from Europe, where it has been put to use as a shade … Continued
Taxodium distichum
In its native swamp habitat, bald cypress raises conical “knees” from its roots to access … Continued
Sassafras albidum
Trees have three distinctly different 3-5” long leaves: three-lobed, mitten-shaped, and simple, that turn red, … Continued
Quercus alba
Occurs in dry upland slopes and lowland valleys. Grows to 50-80’ tall in cultivation and … Continued
Populus deltoides
State tree of Kansas! Broad open crown of widely spreading branches covered in lustrous, bright … Continued
Diospyros virginiana
Rounded oval crown, grows to 35-60’ tall. Edible persimmon fruits up to 2” in diameter … Continued
Catalpa speciosa
Showy white flowers, giant heart-shaped leaves, bean-like seed pods. Grows 40–60’ high and 20–40’ wide … Continued
Aesculus x carnea
Aesculus x carnea ‘Briotii’ (red horse chestnut) is a 30–40’ tall tree with dusty red … Continued