Japanese tree lilac
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’
A small tree growing 20–25’ tall with a rounded crown. Creamy white, fragrant, single flowers … Continued
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’
A small tree growing 20–25’ tall with a rounded crown. Creamy white, fragrant, single flowers … Continued
Betula nigra
Vigorous, fast-growing, medium-sized, native deciduous tree which occurs on floodplains, swampy bottomlands, and along streams. … Continued
Carpinus caroliniana
Native understory tree for shady landscapes and woodland gardens. New leaves emerge reddish-purple, changing to … Continued
Celastrus scandens
A deciduous twining woody vine best known for its showy red-orange berries that brighten up … Continued