1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Philodendron ‘Birkin’

Philodendron hybrid

New foliage on this philodendron emerges lime-green with thin, light-yellowish stripes. As the plant matures, … Continued

polka dot plant

Hypoestes phyllostachya

Splattered foliage is striking and unusual. Green leaves are spattered with pink, red and white. … Continued


Pulmonaria hybrids

‘Raspberry Splash’ sports neon raspberry-pink clusters bloom over dark green, silver-spotted foliage in late spring. … Continued

Rex begonia vine

Cissus discolor

Although the leaves resemble a Rex begonia, this plant is actually a member of the … Continued

Sedum Atlantis

Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' Atlantis®

Tight rosettes of notched, deep green succulent leaves edged in broad, creamy yellow margins. Plants … Continued

Hens and Chicks

Sempervivum species

Little ‘chicks” cluster around the larger rosette “hen” making perfect little rock garden perennials that … Continued