1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

variegated sycamore maple

Acer pseudoplatanus 'Eskimo Sunset'

An unusual and stunning ornamental maple. Its spring leaves emerge orange-pink and settle into green, … Continued

‘Kiwi’ aeonium

Aeonium 'Kiwi'

Tricolor rosettes in green and yellow edged in pink are one of the showiest succulents … Continued

agave, century plant

Agave xylonacantha 'Frostbite'

Rigid, thick leaves are very long and narrow. The blue-green to dark green center is … Continued

Dutchman’s pipe

Aristolochia fimbriata

Small rounded leaves are highlighted with striking silver veining and covered all summer with 1″ … Continued