1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Sedum Atlantis

Sedum takesimense 'Nonsitnal' Atlantis®

Tight rosettes of notched, deep green succulent leaves edged in broad, creamy yellow margins. Plants … Continued

Hens and Chicks

Sempervivum species

Little ‘chicks” cluster around the larger rosette “hen” making perfect little rock garden perennials that … Continued

purple heart

Setcreasea pallida

Native to Mexico, this trailing tropical dark purple lance-shaped leaves that sometimes get as long as … Continued

shell ginger

Alpinia zerumbet 'Variegata'

Striking yellow stripes on dark green leaves. Fragrant, white flowers tinged purple-pink with crinkled, yellow … Continued

arrowhead plant

Syngonium podophyllum

Leaves change shape as the plant matures, beginning as an “arrowhead” shape, and then changing … Continued

foam flower

Tiarella hybrids

Tiarella ‘Jeepers Creepers’ Fuzzy green leaves with a dramatic black center form a beautifully patterned, … Continued

inch plant

Tradescantia zebrina

A very popular trailing plant for indoor containers typically grows to 6” tall, but creeps … Continued