1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Anchusa capensis

Evergreen rosettes produce delicate cobalt-blue flowers in summer. A biennial that will naturalize by self-sowing, … Continued

big bluestem

Andropogon gerardii

This colorful, robust hardy grass is NATIVE FROM CANADA TO MEXICO. Tall foliage turns light … Continued

snowdrop windflower

Anemone sylvestris

Nodding white blooms in early to mid-spring and again in fall over lustrous dense green … Continued


Angelonia angustifolia

A long blooming annual with outstanding branching habit and strong stems that also make great … Continued


Anthriscus sylvestris

Also commonly called cow parsley! Native to the Middle East, southern Russia, and the Caucasus, … Continued


Antirrhinum majus

These heirloom garden flowers flourish in cool spring growing conditions and can be kept going … Continued

Alpine columbine

Aquilegia alpina

These striking blue blooms come from the high meadow and mountain slopes of the Alps. … Continued