Canada Red chokecherry
Prunus virginiana
A hardy and colorful native tree is perfect for difficult spots, tolerating heat, cold, wind, … Continued
Click here for range map, photos, and natural history.
Include these plants in your landscape to host Eastern Tiger Swallowtails!
Prunus virginiana
A hardy and colorful native tree is perfect for difficult spots, tolerating heat, cold, wind, … Continued
Salix discolor
Pussy willow is a small tree or large shrub. As one of the earliest blooming … Continued
Prunus serotina
This native ranges from southeastern Canada through the eastern US, and west to Texas. White … Continued
Salix matsudana ‘Torulosa’
Grow in any soil soils in full sun or shade. Prefers full sun. Prune as … Continued
Cephalanthus occidentalis
This deciduous shrub has an open, rounded habit. Common throughout the midwest, it can most … Continued
Magnolia virginiana
Sweet Bay comes from a cooler, northern range and blooms later avoiding late frost damage … Continued
Betula nigra
Vigorous, fast-growing, medium-sized, native deciduous tree which occurs on floodplains, swampy bottomlands, and along streams. … Continued
Sassafras albidum
Trees have three distinctly different 3-5” long leaves: three-lobed, mitten-shaped, and simple, that turn red, … Continued
Populus deltoides
State tree of Kansas! Broad open crown of widely spreading branches covered in lustrous, bright … Continued
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip trees are fast growers, often measuring growth of more than 2′ per year. Tulip-shaped flowers … Continued