phlox ’21st Century’
Phlox drummondii
Loads of single blooms in clusters atop 6-8″ plants all summer long. Flowers range in … Continued
Phlox drummondii
Loads of single blooms in clusters atop 6-8″ plants all summer long. Flowers range in … Continued
Portulaca grandiflora
A classic maintenance free annual with fancy rose-like blooms all summer. Often self-seeding in garden … Continued
Catharanthus roseus
These plants start to shine during the heat of summer when days are long and … Continued
Zinnia angustifolia
Heat, drought and disease resistant, these medium-sized zinnias also do well in cool conditions. Flowers … Continued
Rosa hybrid
Pointed buds of deep rust open to velvety chocolate blooms with a slightly purple cast and … Continued
Rosa hybrid
Gorgeous yellow blooms have a mild licorice scent. Buttery golden yellow 4″ blooms (petals 20+) … Continued
Rosa hybrid
A new spin on an old favourite, this repeat bloomer produces abundant, double blooms up … Continued
Galium odoratum
A shade gardeners friend, this fast growing, beautiful perennial herb sports small white spring flowers … Continued
Artemisia stellariana 'Silver Brocade'
Woolly, thick white foliage makes an excellent contrast plant. Grows to 12″ high and 24″ … Continued
Cassia didymobotrya
Run your hands through the foliage of this plant and release the smell of fresh … Continued
Plectranthus scutellarioides {Solenostemon scutellarioides}
Growing 12-36″ tall, our coleus varieties are equally at home in sun or shade. Great … Continued
Cuphea hyssopifolia
‘Allyson’ is covered with small lavender blooms, while ‘Floriglory Maria’ is covered with tiny white … Continued