1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

chaste tree

Vitex agnus-castus

Grown in as a vase-shaped multi-trunk shrub to 10-15′ tall or trained as a single … Continued

‘Baby Joe’ joe-pye weed

Eutrochium {Eupatorium} purpureum 'Baby Joe'

‘Baby Joe’ is a more compact cultivar that brings butterflies and other pollinators to the … Continued

‘Hyperion’ daylily

Hemerocallis 'Hyperion'

In cultivation for nearly 90 years, ‘Hyperion’ produces 5″, canary yellow blooms with a tiny, … Continued

‘Judy Judy’ daylily

Hemerocallis 'Judy Judy'

6” fragrant, lavender blooms have a frilly, ruffled yellow picotee edge and prominent creamy yellow … Continued

‘Hummelo’ betony

Stachys monnieri 'Hummelo'

Perennial Plant Association 2019 Perennial Plant of the Year! Compact clumps of distinctive, heavily textured, … Continued