‘Tomato Soup’ coneflower
Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'
Selected for its unique and striking blooms; showcasing shades of red, including reddish-orange and pinkish … Continued
Echinacea 'Tomato Soup'
Selected for its unique and striking blooms; showcasing shades of red, including reddish-orange and pinkish … Continued
Caryopteris incana
This fragrant late summer bloomer sends up aromatic, whorled, blue-flowering spikes over striking bright chartruese … Continued
Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'
A vigorous, upright, bushy perennial that is primarily grown for its attractive lavender flowers which appear … Continued
Phemeranthus {Talinum} calycinus
This native perennial most often occurs in rocky soils and is often found growing in … Continued
Talinum paniculatum ‘Kingwood Gold’
Related to portulaca with fleshy green leaves and topped in tall spires of delicate, wiry flower … Continued
Spilanthes oleracea
A medicinal herb that’s been used for generations to manage the pain of toothaches, foliage … Continued
Plumbago auriculata
Native to South Africa where it is an evergreen shrub that grows 6-7’ tall and … Continued
Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued
Lysimachia congestiflora
Bold yellow and green variegated foliage is topped with bright yellow flowers. An underutilized annual!
Zinnia elegans
Tall plants bear very large flowers in bright scarlet, gold, lavender, purple, orange, pink, red … Continued
Zinnia angustifolia 'Zahara'
Red, rose, pink, orange, yellow and white blooms all summer top these disease resistant, heat … Continued
Zinnia ‘Double Zahara’ mix
This AAS Winner has double large fade resistant flowers that bloom abundantly from early summer … Continued