1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

rock rose

Phemeranthus {Talinum} calycinus

This native perennial most often occurs in rocky soils and is often found growing in … Continued

Jewels of Opar

Talinum paniculatum ‘Kingwood Gold’

Related to portulaca with fleshy green leaves and topped in tall spires of delicate, wiry flower … Continued

toothache plant

Spilanthes oleracea

A medicinal herb that’s been used for generations to manage the pain of toothaches, foliage … Continued


Plumbago auriculata

Native to South Africa where it is an evergreen shrub that grows 6-7’ tall and … Continued



Nasturtiums are easy to grow and may be climbing, cascading or bushy. A popular edible, … Continued

zinnia ‘Zahara’ mix

Zinnia angustifolia 'Zahara'

Red, rose, pink, orange, yellow and white blooms all summer top these disease resistant, heat … Continued