obedient plant
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has an upright spreading habit, this plant will requires space and should be … Continued
Physostegia virginiana
Physostegia virginiana has an upright spreading habit, this plant will requires space and should be … Continued
Hyssopus officinalis
Attracts bees, hummingbirds and butterflies, plants grow 1-2′ tall. This ancient herb has been used … Continued
Convallaria majalis ‘Prolificans’
Thrives in dry shade in poor soil. Excellent heirloom groundcover with dark green foliage spikes … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Royalty'
Dark burgundy to black foliage with bright blue flowers makes a great low-mainetance groundcover that … Continued
Rheum x hybridum
Produces multitudes of red-blushed green stalks and is the best cooking rhubarb. Sweeter and milder … Continued
Aconitum fischeri
Eye-catching spikes of lavender-blue flowers open from late summer to early fall. Each individual flower … Continued
Lysimachia clethroides
Arching spikes of white flowers have a graceful crook that gives them the look of … Continued
Pennisetum rubrum
A drought tolerant clumps of maroon grass topped with rose-red flower spikes. Beautiful as landscape … Continued
Dicentra spectabilis
An heirloom garden favorite, bleeding heart has ferny green foliage and 1″ rose pink heart-shaped … Continued
Salvia 'Pretty In Pink'
Vibrant lavender pink flowers on darker pink calyxes over a bloom period. Big, bold blooms … Continued
Baptisia alba var. macrophylla / Baptisia lactea
A stately plant with white flowers in June followed by black pods that make fabulous … Continued
Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow'
Blue flower spikes in spring above variegated white, green, and burgundy foliage. Tolerant of deep … Continued