1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

dwarf Korean lilac

Syringa meyeri 'Palibin'

A smaller-sized lilac with reddish purple buds opening to fragrant, pale lilac flowers. Blooms profusely … Continued

Labrador violet

Viola labradorica

Hardier than pansies, violets tolerate cold to -20° as well as summer heat. Plants form … Continued

Hosta ‘August Moon’

Hosta ‘August Moon’

Bright green heart-shaped corrugated leaves are slug and sun-resistant. Pale lavender flowers in late summer. … Continued

Hosta ‘Gold Standard’

Hosta ‘Gold Standard’

Creating excellent foliage contrast, heart-shaped foliage emerges green and matures to golden with a dark … Continued

pasque flower

Pulsatilla patens

Silky, fern-like foliage with bell-shaped, solitary, blue-violet, yellow, pink or white flowers. Blooms are followed … Continued

creeping mazus

Mazus reptans

This low-growing, mat-forming perennial features rosettes of lance-shaped toothed leaves spreading quickly and blooming from … Continued