1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Gryphon begonia

Begonia boliviensis

A Rex begonia with large, silvery black foliage speckled and veined with silver, this succulent … Continued

Bolivian begonia

Begonia boliviensis x hybrid

The most vigorous trailing begonia on the market, ‘Million Kisses’ is easy to grow pink … Continued


Bergenia cordifolia 'Red Beauty'

From large, thick , glossy, rounded leaves emerge 18-24″ stems holding clusters of antique pink … Continued

orange stalked bulbine

Bulbine frutescens 'Orange'

This South African native has slender succulent foliage accented by tall flower stalks with small … Continued

coppertone sedum

Sedum nussbaumerianum

Easy-to-grow succulent with spear-shaped leaves that mature from light green to coppery orange in sunlight. … Continued

Hobbit jade

Crassula ovata 'Hobbit'

This small shrubby succulent grows like a jade but with interesting succulent green leaves that … Continued

string of buttons

Crassula perforata

Pale green leaves grow in a spiral around each stem. This South Africa native makes … Continued

campfire crassula

Crassula capitella 'Campfire'

Easy-to-grow succulent with dramatic spear-shaped leaves that mature from light green to bright red in … Continued

hardy ice plant

Delosperma hybrids

Delosperma ‘Fire Spinner’ is a South African plant that produces flame-orange petals around red, purple, … Continued

mezoo doreanthus

Doreanthus bellidiformis 'Mezoo Trailing Red'

Mounding plant with succulent green leaves edged with white occasionally accented with button-sized red flowers … Continued

black prince echeveria

Echeveria 'Black Prince'

Nearly black rosettes are periodically topped with salmon-red flowers that attract hummingbirds. Dramatic foliage adds wonderful … Continued