1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Culver’s root

Veronicastrum virginicum

Pink or white flower spikes bloom atop 3-5′ tall plants in summer. Heat, drought and … Continued

vinca, periwinkle

Vinca minor/Vinca major

One of the most popular and widely used ground covers with evergreen leaves and lavender … Continued

bird’s foot violet

Viola pedata

Bird’s foot violet has purple flowers with orange centers. The leaves are shaped like bird’s … Continued


Vitis spp.

‘Himrod Seedless’ produces seedless, golden-yellow fruit on large, loose clusters. It’s a great choice for table … Continued

weeping Nootka falsecypress

Xanthocyparis nootkatensis (formerly Chamaecyparis nootkatensis) ‘Pendula’

Medium to large size pyramidal tree has drooping branchlets with dark gray-green foliage that drapes … Continued

Japanese zelkova

Zelkova serrata

‘Green Vase’ Japanese zelkova is a good street and shade tree with vase-shaped form with … Continued

‘Profusion’ zinna

Zinnia angustifolia

Heat, drought and disease resistant, these medium-sized zinnias also do well in cool conditions. Flowers … Continued