Sweet Potato Slips
Grow 5 plants per person. Yield 8 to 12 pounds per 10-foot row. Space plants … Continued
Grow 5 plants per person. Yield 8 to 12 pounds per 10-foot row. Space plants … Continued
Stevia rebaudiana
Commonly called sweetleaf, this herbal alternative to sugar is up to 300 times sweeter. Use … Continued
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii 'Wood's Purple'
New York aster is a low-maintenance perennial for average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full … Continued
Syngonium podophyllum
Leaves change shape as the plant matures, beginning as an “arrowhead” shape, and then changing … Continued
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’
A small tree growing 20–25’ tall with a rounded crown. Creamy white, fragrant, single flowers … Continued
Tagetes hybrids
‘Bonanza’ mix is a French marigold with a mix of yellow, gold-red, and bicolor large, 2-2.5″ … Continued
Tanacetum niveum
Fragrant, lacy, silvery foliage topped with a huge bouquet of white daisies. This plant thrives … Continued
Taxodium distichum
In its native swamp habitat, bald cypress raises conical “knees” from its roots to access … Continued
Taxodium distichum 'Cascade Falls'
Deciduous conifer with a weeping habit off a central leader and narrow bright green leaves … Continued
Taxus x media
Add some midcentury evergreen flair as the backbone of your landscape. Fitting into the natural … Continued
Thalictrum delavayi
Lavender flowers with contrasting yellow stamens mass in large, wiry-branched, airy sprays rising above the … Continued
Thalictrum dioicum
Delicate green fern-like foliage last from spring through fall. Greenish-yellow fringed flowers resemble little tassles … Continued