1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

Tommy Toe

Solanum lycopersicum

An heirloom from the Ozark Mountains. 1/2 to 1” fruits have a mild flavor. Resists … Continued

Watermelon Beefsteak

Solanum lycopersicum

2 lb pink-skinned and very mild, with purplish-red flesh and an oblong shape.

Yellow Brandywine

Solanum lycopersicum

Golden-yellow with yields of large fruits. Super sweet slicer.

Yellow Plum

Solanum lycopersicum

Vigorous vines produce high yields of 1 1/2” cherry-type, plum-shaped tomatoes in clusters. Sweet and … Continued


Solanum melongena

‘Patio Baby’  is a petite and ornamental, producing a prolific number of 2 to 3 … Continued

seed potatoes

Solanum tuberosum

Potatoes are one of the easiest root crops to grow! They grow in average soil … Continued

false Ural spirea

Sorbaria sorbifolia

A suckering, deciduous shrub which typically grows 5-8′ tall and wide with ferny green foliage … Continued

orangebark stewartia

Stewartia monodelpha

A rare and lovely small tree grown for its rich smooth cinnamon-colored bark, incredible maroon-red … Continued

celandine, wood poppy

Stylophorum diphyllum

This woodland wildflower occurs most often in moist woodlands and along streams and features 4-petaled, … Continued