‘Ivory Halo’ variegated red-twig dogwood
Cornus alba 'Bailhalo'
With striking variegated foliage, ornamental berries, excellent fall color and brilliant red stems in winter, … Continued
Cornus alba 'Bailhalo'
With striking variegated foliage, ornamental berries, excellent fall color and brilliant red stems in winter, … Continued
Corylus avellana 'Contorta' / 'Red Dragon'
Rounded, multi-trunked, typically grows 8-10’ tall, and features, as the name suggests, twisted and spiraling … Continued
Corylus americana
The American hazelnut or filbert is native to the eastern United States. Tasty nuts are … Continued
Cosmos bipinnatus
Cosmos bipinnatus ia an heirloom garden classic, cosmos ‘Sonata’ flowers open in shades of violet, … Continued
Cosmos atrosanguineus 'Choca Mocha'
Interesting compact cosmos with rich chocolate colored (and scented!) blooms atop fern-like foliage.
Cotoneaster apiculatus
Tiny glossy green leaves densely cover arching branches on this compact, semi-evergreen shrub. Grows into … Continued
Craspedia globosa Golf Beauty
An exciting option for larger container gardens and patio pots, use these yellow globe-shaped flowers … Continued
Crassula ovata
Succulent, shiny, smooth, leaves grow in opposing pairs along thick branches. Leaves are a dark … Continued
Crassula capitella 'Campfire'
Easy-to-grow succulent with dramatic spear-shaped leaves that mature from light green to bright red in … Continued
Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis
This heirloom muskmelon was developed by a Japanese market gardener in California around 1920 and … Continued
Cucumis sativus
Crisp, white flesh and smaller size make these cucumbers ideal for pickling. Sweet, sour, dill … Continued
Cucurbita pepo
If you have the space to grow some pumpkins, try Jack O lanterns with the … Continued