Clematis ‘Henryi’
Clematis ‘Henryi’
Huge pure white flowers cover this vine heavily in May and continue with fewer blossoms … Continued
Clematis ‘Henryi’
Huge pure white flowers cover this vine heavily in May and continue with fewer blossoms … Continued
Clematis ‘Jackmanii'
The most profuse blooming dark purple Clematis, vines are covered with purple flowers in June, … Continued
Clematis 'Josephine'
This stunning variety has flowers with 6-8 base petals which are almost bronze, tinged with … Continued
Clematis montana ‘Elizabeth’
Soft pink flowers with a vanilla scent, these vigorous growers are probably the easiest to … Continued
Clematis 'Mrs. N Thompson'
Large 4-6″ flowers are deep violet with a vivid scarlet stripe down the petal. Blooms … Continued
Clematis heracleifolia 'Mrs. Robert Brydon'
Bluish-white 1″ flowers in large clusters cover these extremely vigorous and very free flowering vines. … Continued
Clematis x 'Nelly Moser'
A large-flowered variety with 7″-9″ striped flowers of pale mauve with a deep purplish-pink bars … Continued
Clematis 'Niobe'
Very dark magenta-red pointed petals with gold anthers. Blooms June, August and September. A true … Continued
Clematis 'Nubia'
Very free flowering clematis with stunning 5″ dark red flowers and dark red anthers. Grows … Continued
Clematis 'Purpurea Plena Elegans'
Extremely showy double rose-purple flowers. Blooms July-September. A real winner. Pruning type 3. One of … Continued
Clematis 'Rebecca'
Gorgeously lush 5- to 7″ bright red blooms with purple undertones and yellow anthers. Incredibly … Continued
Clematis 'Sarah Elizabeth'
This distinct, attractive pink clematis almost seems to glow. Masses of flowers appear from late … Continued