1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006


Carpinus caroliniana

Native understory tree for shady landscapes and woodland gardens. New leaves emerge reddish-purple, changing to … Continued


Carya illinoinensis

This massive shade tree is the pecan producer of the industry. Lustrous, dark green foliage … Continued

popcorn plant

Cassia didymobotrya

Run your hands through the foliage of this plant and release the smell of fresh … Continued


Castanea mollisima

As the American chestnut succumbs to disease, the blight-resistant Chinese chestnut is gaining popularity. Trees … Continued

northern catalpa

Catalpa speciosa

Showy white flowers, giant heart-shaped leaves, bean-like seed pods. Grows 40–60’ high and 20–40’ wide … Continued

atlas cedar

Cedrus atlantica

A beautiful specimen tree with silvery blue to bluish-green needles. Develops an attractive, rugged form … Continued

Deodar cedar

Cedrus deodara

Known as Deodar cedar, this evergreen conifer is pyramidal when young, maturing to flat-topped trees … Continued