1606 N 600 Rd, Baldwin City, 66006

cardinal climber

Ipomoea x multifida

Large, glossy green leaves with fingers have a fantastic tropical palm-like look. Vigorous growing vines … Continued

chicken gizzard

Irene herbstii

Blood red foliage is veined in pink. Leaves are rounded and slightly puckered. Yes, they … Continued

dwarf crested iris

Iris cristata

Dwarf plants grow only 6″ tall and produce blue flowers in early spring. Foliage makes … Continued

Iris ‘Immortality’

Iris germanica

Pure white blooms with a light lemon-yellow beard. Vigorous rebloomer. Fragrant. German bearded iris are … Continued

Iris ‘Firebreather’

Iris germanica

Deep orange-amber blooms uniformly saturate the standards and falls. Vivid tangerine beards further accent the … Continued