Kiko’s Crump Edible Hibiscus
Abelmoschus manihot 'Kiko's Crump'
Summer slows or shuts down spinach and lettuce. Kiko’s Crump hibiscus is a heat-tolerant source … Continued
Abelmoschus manihot 'Kiko's Crump'
Summer slows or shuts down spinach and lettuce. Kiko’s Crump hibiscus is a heat-tolerant source … Continued
Amaranthus caudatus
A staple grain for Mayans, Aztecs, and the Incas, Victorian English gardens took up this … Continued
Amaranthus tricolor
Colorful, ornamental leaves are also edible, and may be eaten as a salad vegetable. In Africa, … Continued
Asparagus officinalis
‘Mary Washington’ produces uniform spears and a heavy yield. This perennial vegetable is disease-resistant to … Continued
Basella rubra
A beautiful vining plant. Not a true spinach, this heat-loving Asian vine has striking red … Continued
Beta vulgaris
This stunning chard seed mix is as ornamental as it is delicious, with stems in … Continued
Cucurbita pepo
Fast-growing plants are easy to grow and produce abundantly through summer. Freezes well. Harvest while … Continued
Brassica oleracea (Acephala Group) 'Redbor'
This curly kale has gorgeous red and purple color. Continuously cut for yields all season. … Continued
Cynara cardunculus
This relative of the artichoke has edible roots and stalks, but you won’t want to … Continued
Citrullus lanatus
‘Sugar Baby’ is a sweet, round, smaller watermelon. Dark skinned fruit are about 6-8″ in … Continued
Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis
This heirloom muskmelon was developed by a Japanese market gardener in California around 1920 and … Continued
Cucumis sativus
Crisp, white flesh and smaller size make these cucumbers ideal for pickling. Sweet, sour, dill … Continued