dwarf red buckeye
Aesculus pavia
Aesculus pavia grows showy, erect, 4-10” long panicles of red, narrow-tubular flowers in spring. Smooth, … Continued
Aesculus pavia
Aesculus pavia grows showy, erect, 4-10” long panicles of red, narrow-tubular flowers in spring. Smooth, … Continued
Aesculus parviflora
Aesculus parviflora is easily grown in average soil in part to full shade and features … Continued
Amelanchier laevis
A small, deciduous, usually multi-trunked understory tree or tall shrub which is native to thickets … Continued
Amelanchier alnifolia
Prefers full sun and requires minimal attention. Blue-green foliage, delicate 2” flower clusters and brilliant … Continued
Amelanchier canadensis
Deciduous, early-flowering, large shrub or small tree typically grows 15-30’ tall. Showy, 5-petaled, slightly fragrant, … Continued
Amorpha nana
Bright green leaves are topped by showy purple flowers with bright red stamen that give … Continued
Amorpha fruticosa
A large, airy shrub that forms dense thickets in its native habitat. Six-inch purple flower … Continued
Amorpha canescens
This native shrub grows in woodlands and prairies. 4-8″ spike-like clusters of tiny, bluish-purple flowers … Continued
Aronia melancarpa var. 'Elata’
An open, upright, deciduous shrub that typically grows 3-6’ tall. Autumn berries and purple-red foliage … Continued
Callicarpa americana
A rounded, deciduous shrub with upright-arching branches. The best ornamental feature of this shrub is … Continued
Calycanthus floridus
A dense, rounded deciduous native with a suckering habit with very fragrant, brown to reddish-brown … Continued